Company Information

We are an energy company involved in the production, transmission and distribution of energy as well as other energy-related businesses. Avista Utilities is our operating division, providing electricity to 418,000 customers and natural gas to about 382,000 customers across 30,000 square miles and four northwestern states. Alaska Energy and Resources Company, an Avista subsidiary, provides retail electric service in the city and borough of Juneau through its subsidiary Alaska Electric Light and Power Company.

Avista’s legacy of innovation is rooted in the renewable energy we’ve generated since our founding in 1889.


Reliable, clean power at reasonable rates

The energy we produce at Avista-owned generating facilities and our long-term contracts ranks the company as one of the cleanest utilities when it comes to greenhouse gases, and our prices are among the lowest in the nation among investor-owned utilities.

Our diverse energy mix at Avista-owned generating facilities and long-term contracts, balances reliability with renewable energy sources, while managing costs for customers.

Electricity Generation Resource Mix_Graph (002).jpg

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